Clinique Juge

Discharge questionnaire

The satisfaction of patients hospitalised at the Clinique Juge is regularly assessed. Patients have the opportunity to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire which asks them about all aspects of their care at the clinic.

This questionnaire is handed out during your stay, either on admission or directly in your room or on the communal snack tables. You can send us your comments and suggestions to help us improve our care. When you leave, the questionnaire can be left in the letterboxes provided.

In addition, a number of targeted surveys are carried out on a regular basis, concerning, for example, the quality of pain management, visits to the operating theatre and recovery room, and emergency care.

The results of these surveys are processed by our Quality Department, and discussed and commented on at meetings of the hospital's governing bodies, in particular the Users' Committee.

E-SATIS national satisfaction survey

The Ministry of Health measures the satisfaction of hospitalised patients (E-SATIS indicator) at national level. All patients who have spent at least two nights in a healthcare establishment, and outpatients, are concerned. Patients who provide their email address will receive an online questionnaire directly from an independent platform managed by the Haute Autorité de Santé.

The results of this national survey are analysed and published once a year on the institutional information website: Scope Santé.

E-SATIS 2024 results.


In accordance with current regulations on patients' rights, patients have the opportunity to express their opinion on the quality of their care by means of:

  • simple/registered letters or e-mail
  • discharge questionnaires
  • telephone calls
  • meetings with a Management Representative
  • interviews with the permanent staff of the Users' Committee (CDU), where patients can express their grievances.

Complaints and claims can be sent to CDU .

Thank you Doctor

In order to give you the opportunity to express your feelings, an e-mail will be sent to you by the Merci Docteur platform if you have agreed to provide your e-mail address. The verbatims collected are processed, analysed and communicated to each CDU.

If you express a dissatisfaction or complaint via this platform, your comment will systematically be declared as an Undesirable Event and forwarded to the Clinic's Management, the Quality Department and the Care Department. It will be the subject of a field investigation by means of a distribution to the head of the department concerned in order to implement immediate corrective actions and provide you with written feedback.


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Clinique Juge Marseille

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By car

From the A51 motorway > Pardo Carénage tunnel Sainte-Marguerite/Mazargues/Menpenti exit

From the A50 motorway > first exit Boulevard Vincent Delpuech

Transport Metro 2 - Stops: Rond-point du Prado or Périer / Bus Bus 86 - Stop : Clinique Juge / Bus 41 - Stops : Paradis Rivet or Paradis d'Urville / Bus 19, 19B, 21 - Stops: Prado Rodocanachi / Bus 21 - Stop : Rond-Point du Prado

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Tél : 04 91 23 44 00
Fax : 04 91 23 44 84

Prise de rendez-vous EOS : 04 91 23 63 23


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Clinique Juge Marseille

116, Rue J. Mermoz
13008 Marseille

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Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.