The Clinique Juge pursues a policy of risk control and management within its establishment in order to anticipate and/or minimise damage and undesirable events that may occur to patients, visitors, professionals or the property of the health establishment.
Vigilance measures form the basis of health safety at national level, as well as in our establishment.
They concern :
In addition to these health vigilances, the clinic has an identity management policy for patients, overseen by the Identity Vigilance Unit.
The clinic takes part in Patient Safety Weeks, which are annual events organised by the Ministry to raise awareness among patients and professionals, and are now part of the national patient safety programme.
To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.
From the A51 motorway > Pardo Carénage tunnel Sainte-Marguerite/Mazargues/Menpenti exit
From the A50 motorway > first exit Boulevard Vincent Delpuech
Tél : 04 91 23 44 00
Fax : 04 91 23 44 84
Prise de rendez-vous EOS : 04 91 23 63 23
116, Rue J. Mermoz
13008 Marseille