Scrupulously follow the instructions given by your surgeon and anaesthetist during the consultation (hygiene, no make-up, fasting, no smoking, medication, etc.), otherwise your operation may be postponed. Don't hesitate to ask them questions.
Depending on your age and medical history, the anaesthetist may prescribe additional tests (blood tests, cardiological consultation, etc.). You will be asked to provide the results of these tests in order to compile your medical file.
Plan your return home now
Organise your transport home now. If you are anaesthetised while you are in hospital, you must undertake to comply scrupulously with the following obligations on your return home for the first 24 hours following the operation:
If you are unable to follow these instructions, it is essential to inform the surgeon and/or anaesthetist, as this may be a contraindication to outpatient treatment.
Before the operation or examination, it is essential that :
To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.
From the A51 motorway > Pardo Carénage tunnel Sainte-Marguerite/Mazargues/Menpenti exit
From the A50 motorway > first exit Boulevard Vincent Delpuech
Tél : 04 91 23 44 00
Fax : 04 91 23 44 84
Prise de rendez-vous EOS : 04 91 23 63 23
116, Rue J. Mermoz
13008 Marseille