Clinique Juge

Useful numbers

04 91 23 44 00

04 91 78 14 75

Radiology (independent department of the Clinique Juge)
04 84 90 91 90

Invoice forms for your hospital stay

Anaesthetic consultations / Pre-admissions
04 91 16 73 73

Quality and Risk Management Department / Complaints and claims 
04 91 23 44 85 /

Human Resources Department
04 91 23 44 15 /

Direction des Soins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  04 91 23 44 75 /

In the event of a dispute, to assert your rights as a patient:
User representative: Mme Andrée COURTOIS, APF France Handicap

The list of duty pharmacies is available on the Provence website.

The list of interpreters at the Clinique Juge is available on request from the clinic's reception desk.

The list of religious referents is available on request from the clinic's reception desk.

Form for requesting access to medical records

Please click here.

Online request form :

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You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act). To exercise this right, please contact : Clinique Juge Marseille - 116, Rue J. Mermoz 13008 Marseille


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Make an appointment

To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.

Coming to the centre / Contact us

Clinique Juge Marseille

Venir au centre

By car
By car

From the A51 motorway > Pardo Carénage tunnel Sainte-Marguerite/Mazargues/Menpenti exit

From the A50 motorway > first exit Boulevard Vincent Delpuech

Transport Metro 2 - Stops: Rond-point du Prado or Périer / Bus Bus 86 - Stop : Clinique Juge / Bus 41 - Stops : Paradis Rivet or Paradis d'Urville / Bus 19, 19B, 21 - Stops: Prado Rodocanachi / Bus 21 - Stop : Rond-Point du Prado

Contact us


Call Us

Tél : 04 91 23 44 00
Fax : 04 91 23 44 84

Prise de rendez-vous EOS : 04 91 23 63 23


Send us an email:

Click here
Clinique Juge Marseille

116, Rue J. Mermoz
13008 Marseille

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.